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Career Exploration and Success
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Career Exploration and Success

Fair Employer Directory

What type of candidate are you?

Click on one of the options below to learn how to access the Rutgers Handshake fair directory and utilize filters to learn more about the attending employers, which day they will be attending, and their booth number.

  • For international students interested in employers who are willing to sponsor visas, please select the virtual fair day below and filter your search by selecting 'Accepts OPT/CPT' or 'Will sponsor or doesn't require US work visa' under the Categories field. Once you have selected a filter, a list of applicable employers will load, to learn more about each employer, click the blue 'View Details' link at the bottom of each organization box.

    • (Feb 27): Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, and Green-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
    • (Feb 28): Business, Communications, Education & Service-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
  • For graduate students interested in employers who are seeking students with a graduate degree, please select the virtual fair day below and filter your search by selecting 'Masters' or 'Doctorate' under the School Years field. Once you have selected a filter, a list of applicable employers will load, to learn more about each employer, click the blue 'View Details' link at the bottom of each organization box.


    • (Feb 27): Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, and Green-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
    • (Feb 28): Business, Communications, Education & Service-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
  • For alumni interested in employers who are seeking alums, please select the virtual fair day below and filter your search by selecting 'Alumni' under the School Years field. Once you have selected a filter, a list of applicable employers will load, to learn more about each employer, click the blue 'View Details' link at the bottom of each organization box

    • (Feb 27): Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, and Green-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
    • (Feb 28): Business, Communications, Education & Service-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
  • For candidates specifically interested in employers who are in the non-profit or government space, please select the virtual fair day below and filter your search by selecting the appropriate industry type under the Industry field. Note, you can select "view all" to see the full list of industries. Once you have selected a filter, a list of applicable employers will load, to learn more about each employer, click the blue 'View Details' link at the bottom of each organization box.


    • (Feb 27): Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, and Green-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
    • (Feb 28): Business, Communications, Education & Service-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
  • For all candidates interested in exploring the employers attending the field, please select the virtual fair day below and filter at your leisure by selecting either a filter within the Job Type, Employment Type, or Major Category. Once you have selected a filter, a list of applicable employers will load, to learn more about each employer, click the blue 'View Details' link at the bottom of each organization box.


    • (Feb 27): Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, and Green-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS
    • (Feb 28): Business, Communications, Education & Service-Related Positions VIEW EMPLOYERS