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Success Strategies for Virtual/Telephone Interviews

Many employers conduct interviews by telephone or by video conferencing. People often feel more nervous and awkward in these types of interviews, but there are some tips that will help you succeed in these interviews.

Video Interview Tips

  • Find an appropriate location with a clean background, proper lighting and no distractions/noise. Be mindful of your space and background. Blur your background if necessary. Eliminate any distractions/interruptions – cell phone, pets, siblings, parents
  • Charge your device before the meeting and keep it plugged in during the meeting
  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection. Arrive online a few minutes early to check your audio and video
  • Set up and practice with the platform (Zoom, Skype) before the interview especially if it is your fist time using the tool
  • Keep all other programs/windows closed to maintain eye contact with your interviewer. Look at the webcam and not at yourself
  • Dress professionally and avoid bright colors
  • Maintain good body posture
  • When listening, nod and smile to show you are engaged
  • Prepare notes prior to the interview with information about the employer, questions to ask, etc. Have these set up so you can easily refer to them
  • Have a pen, notepad, copy of your resume and cover letter and any other materials easily available

Telephone Interview Tips

  • Dress Professionally which will help you get in the proper frame of mind for an interview
  • Have a copy of your resume, cover letter and any other materials easily available
  • Listen then talk. Without visual cues to avoid talking over each other, be patient and let the interviewer speak before answering
  • Keep a glass of water nearby in case you get a dry throat or cough during the conversation
  • Use a quiet and private area with no distractions
  • Focus, listen closely, speak clearly and smile during the conversation
  • Sit upright during the interview as if the interviewer was sitting across the table/desk from you.